Sunday, August 16, 2015


All of our buildings will be made from the timber we have here at Early Bird Farm.
We are very lucky to have so many trees to choose from, Yellow Box, Cyprus Pine, Eucalyptus, Black Butt and hundreds of other varieties of hard wood that i dont know the names of.  At the moment we are only cutting trees that are already down. 
All the smaller stuff for the fire and the big timber for the mill.

This tree is in the front paddock, this is one half of it, it's split down the middle.
A very good specimen for the Lucas Mill, the boys should get a few lengths from this one branch.

While Joshua was down for a visit he wanted to have a go at the mill.
The first step is docking the log.

Second step is using the Log Dogs to roll the log to the best spot so the mill could be erected over it.

It is a pretty big log and it was only a branch not even the main trunk of the tree.

Learning how to set up the mill is a lot easier than you might think.

This is great father son time and i am happy they were able to spend it learning a new skill while also having fun.

Once the frame is up you put the motor and blade in place. Then its time to measure and make sure the frame is in the right place so the log is in the middle. 

Adjust the blade for the first cut and your away.

No tree is perfectly straight so you need a few cuts to till it is all level.

Never forget your ear protection, cause it is very loud in deed.

This is the end result from that one branch, a small stack to get us started, that hopefully will get a lot bigger as i have plenty of plans that will keep us busy for years.

Happy Adventures Nicole, Andrew & Sally Girl

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  1. Wow that is a great mill, Nicole. What a good job it does.

  2. yeah its pretty sweet, we can use it cut timber to build pretty much anything we want

  3. What a great mill! Thanks for sharing your post on Our Simple Homestead Blog Hop! Hope to see you again tomorrow!
    - Nancy - Nancy On The Home Front

  4. I'm glad you shared the details of this mill. I've heard they're a convenient way to bring the mill to the wood, but never seen anyone share the actual process. So thanks for putting it up.

    I noticed the chaps Andrew is wearing - are they made of a special material for working with chainsaws, in case of kickback?

  5. hey Chris, yeah the chaps are for when using the chainsaw, they have Kevlar in them, to hopefully stop you from cutting off your leg.
    there are a few youtube videos out there if you want to get a better idea about the mill.
    i have to say it was a worthwhile investment.

  6. hey Chris, yeah the chaps are for when using the chainsaw, they have Kevlar in them, to hopefully stop you from cutting off your leg.
    there are a few youtube videos out there if you want to get a better idea about the mill.
    i have to say it was a worthwhile investment.
